trikoṇāsana (triangle pose)



Trikoṇāsana triangle pose. When I started practising yoga, Trikoṇāsana was a pose that I never felt at ease with. Of course, they were an accumulation of things of why I was not able to keep in that pose for long or even to go into that pose. First, my ego who came to play tricks on me; unable me to work through this pose; and secondly, prânayama which I was not focused on, my breath was not steady, the breath was completely unsynchronised from the asana. As soon as put my ego on a side and focused on my breath, something wonderful happened! First, the ego became kinder and non judgemental on the progression of the asana Trikoṇāsana. Then,  the breath settled to become slow and strong. Finally, using the breath has a guide; helped me to get into the pose and stayed into the pose. Of course, practicing is also part of progress but this goes for everything right?. Practicing own my own helps me to self reflect on my own practice and how to improve. But I also know to appreciate and accepte that everyday is different and that my Trikoṇāsana from today might be different from the Trikoṇāsana of tomorrow. But what ever happen it is ok; because I am just grateful to be able to do what I do.

When practicing Trikonasana I can feel my spine  being elongated;  the crown of the head reaching one side and the coccyx on the other side. The hips open as the rotation in the hips socket increases in that pose. The chest wide opened toward the side helps the oblique abdominal muscle to strengthen; the back of the legs are being stretch too and quadriceps give a good work out whilst the feet are strongly grounded. The knee’s joint is happy go lucky as it is getting healthy by stretching the medial collateral ligament.

 The top arm pointing toward the sky whilst the gaze is upward; helps to have the chest opens and therefore felling the stretch across the chest.

This amazing pose does not only have a physical benefit but it also has amazing energetic benefits. Because of the way we hold the pose, we trigger chakras down from the roots chakras to the naval chakras, then the heart chakra when we open wide the chest and finally the throat chakras when the gaze is upward.

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